John N. Hart letters received, 1960-1971.
Related Entities
There are 4 Entities related to this resource.
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Joseph Warren Stilwell (March 19, 1883 – October 12, 1946) was a United States Army general who served in the China Burma India Theater during World War II. His caustic personality was reflected in the nickname "Vinegar Joe". He also had the nickname "Uncle Joe." Distrust of his Allies and a lack of resources meant Stilwell was continually forced to improvise. He famously differed as to strategy, ground troops versus air power, with his subordinate, Claire Chennault, who had the ear of Gen...
Barrett, David D. (David Dean), 1892-1977 (person)
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Hart, John Napthali (person)
American historian. From the description of John N. Hart letters received, 1960-1971. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 123373249 ...
Dorn, Frank. (person)
Brigadier general, United States Army, commanding general, Chinese Training and Combat Command, 1944-1945. From the description of Frank Dorn papers, 1927-1976. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 754872079 Biographical Note 1901, June 25 Born, San Francisco, California 1912 1915 ...